Guided Language Acquisition Design - G.L.A.D.
GLAD, which stands for Guided Language Acquisition Instruction, is a model of sheltered English instruction that Alhambra Unified has been using for more than 6 years to prepare our educators to support our English Language Learners (ELLs). It incorporates many research-based and highly effective instructional strategies. Using Project GLAD, teachers deliver academic content and language while using an integrated, balanced literacy approach. While originally developed for ELLs (English Language learners,) it benefits all students through the use of high-level thinking and academic language, as well as cross-cultural skills. Students taught in a GLAD classroom are prepared to be effective, literate citizens of a global society. We are lucky to have Monterey Highlands teachers trained in this model that not only enhances instruction for ELLs, but all students. We welcome you to attend our E.L.A.C. meetings where we will inform you of this style of instruction and the academic results for our students. We will show you how when you visit a classroom using GLAD strategies, you will notice high-level vocabulary, and walls "dripping with language." The GLAD model provides a language-rich constructive environment and employs a variety of student interaction techniques that instill the love and fun of learning!